Most Sustainable Workplace Report

How do organisations engage the 'human' side of Net Zero?
Employee Engagement Global Survey 2021/22
One of the key areas of focus for Climate week in New York in December 2022 was the gap between intention and action. The statistics above evidence this gap but it is unfortunately nothing new. It has been a constant feature that has existed certainly throughout the two decades I have spent working in this space. But why is this?
My colleague at EARTHED, Al Kennedy and I ran a research study to try and understand why.

Sustainability: the complexity of people and culture
When it comes to the climate and biodiversity crises, every IPCC and UNEP report released highlights how woefully inadequate our collective action has been. The urgency increases and the moral and commercial imperative for businesses to do more rises even further.
The typical focus of the business community on strategy, training and information sharing seems to do little to shift the culture of ‘business as usual’. Indeed, 98% of these initiatives fail to deliver and we are not seeing the transformational change required.
Addressing the people and cultural aspects of sustainability is critical for those organisations who want to be on the right side of history.